chart shows a count to Pentecost that will harmonize Lev-23:16 which says, “even unto the morrow AFTER the seventh Sabbath,
shall ye number 50 days,” with Ex-32:5 where Aaron proclamed a Chag to YHWH and it was observed after numbering 50 days
after counting the seven Lunar Sabbath complete as prescribed in Lev-23:16.
“1st Month”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14th "Lambs slain".
15th Houses Passed over and
thrust out of Rameses ( Numbers 33:3) and 1st day of Unleavened Bread (Lev-23:6).
16th is wave sheaf
(Lev-23:11) and morrow after Passover eaten and the day they waved by to Egypt and went out with high hand in there sight
(Numbers 33:3) It was by "night" as the weekly Sabbath/15th ended (Deut-16:1) then you have the
17th 18th 19th 20th 21st and then you have the 22nd which is the 1st
Sabbath of the seven Sabbaths toward Pentecost, then you have the 23rd 24th 25th 26th
27th 28th 29th is the 2nd Sabbath 30th.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8th 3rd Sab. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15th is
4th Sab, and the day that YHWH spoke to the children of Israel (Ex-16:1-29)
16th was the 1st
day of manna (Ex-16:1-29) 17th 18 19 20 21 22nd was
5th Sab. And the 1st recorded Sabbath after leaving Egypt, (Ex-16:1-29) 23 24th
25 26 27 28 and the 29th was the 6th Sab. toward Pentecost.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8th is the 7th Sabbath and the 9th is the 1st day of the 50 days
to be NUMBERED “after” the 7th Sabbath is COUNTED. Then you have the 10th 11th 12
13 14 15th, which equils 7 days of the 50 day count and on the 16th they came to
the Mt and it was on the “same day” that they actually went forth out of Egypt (Ex-19:1) and
were told to be ready for 3rd day, (Ex-19:11) . The Book of Jubilees 1:1 also says they came to the mount on 16th of 3rd
Then we have the 17th and the 18th was the 3rd day, counting the 16th, and YHWH spoke to the
people on that day (Ex-19:10-24) , this accounts for 10 days of the 50 days that were to be numbered.
brings us to the 19th which was the 1st day that Moses went into the Mt for 40 "days"
and 40 "nights", (Ex-24:4-18).
Then we have 20 21 22nd 23
24 25 26 27 28 29th 30th, a total of 12 days
in the Mt.
"4th Month"
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8th 9 10 11 12
13 14 15th 16 17 18 19
20 21 22nd 23 24 25 26
27 28th was the 40th day in the Mt, and the 50th day numbered AFTER the 7th Sabbath was COUNTED,
(Lev23:16) and it was the day that Aaron said “tomorrow” is a Feast/Chag to YHWH (Ex-32:5)
can see how the Chag could come AFTER the 50th day is numbered. The 28th of the 4th month was also the 40th "day"
of Moses stay in the Mt.
The 29th was the Chag/Pentecost and Moses’ 40th "night" in
the Mt. and the Law was given the next morning of that same day which was at the END of the 40 days and 40
nights (Ex-31:18) and (Deut-9:11) the Pentecost Chag comes AFTER numbering 50 days NOT
49. ("Lev-23:16")
Someone might ask, do you bring a new meat offering on the 50th day or do you number
50 days then bring the new meat offering “after” you have numbered 50 days? i.e. the next day.
can be argued either way but there is room to shift the count and new moon days and still make it fit. My aim is to show that
Numbering 50 days AFTER the 7th Sabbath can be harmonized with Lev-23: 16 “AND” the Chag in Ex-32:5 ALONG with
many other things in scripture and nature, but the traditional Pentecost cannot be harmonized with anything, therefore Lev-23:16
is teaching to number the 50 days AFTER the 7th Sabbath complete.
I personally believe that you number 50 days and then
bring the new meat offered on the 51st day. I believe the Scripture teaches to number six days and keep the Sabbath on the
seventh day AFTER six days are numbered. If the Scripture said to count seven days and then keep the Sabbath/intermission,
I would keep the day following the seventh day. I believe the sabbatical year comes after six years are numbered and Jubilees
is observed on the 50th year after numbering 49 years. If it said to number 50 years instead of 49 years then the 51st year
would be the year of Jubilees, instead of the 50th year. In order to be consistent we must bring the new grain offering AFTER
50 days are numbered, not 49. If it said number one day and then bring the new grain offering, you would bring it on the second
day after the first day was numbered. At least that’s the way I see it now.
For more details on Pentecost click